Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pssst! Pop Quiz

So here's the challenge...

Know this stuff for the Pop Quiz.

One of your text readings discussed major causes of Confederation. These causes were divided into three categories:

  • political deadlock in the Canadas

  • economic challenges

  • pressures from the US

Political Deadlock in the Canadas

  • French-English conflict

  • short-lived governments

Economic challenges

  • end of reciprocity with US

  • end of free trade with Britain

  • trade barriers between colonies

  • need for a colonial railway (trade)

Pressures from the United States

  • American Civil War

  • Fenian Raids

  • Manifest Destiny

  • need for a colonial railway (defense)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

1837 Rebellions and Canadian Government

What follows is a summation of the material we covered over the last two or three classes.

We looked at the evolution of government in Canada from the 1837 Rebellions to present day. In general, the influence of British institutions is clearly apparent.

Rebellion and Reforms in Upper and Lower Canada

The years between 1812 and 1850 were a time of economic growth in Canada. Wheat and lumber became the staples of the St. Lawrence colonial economy, the Montreal based fur trade pushed farther and farther into the northwest regions, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick became centers of trade with the U.S. More immigrants were arriving from Britain and the United States, settling especially in Upper Canada.

Nonetheless, it was during this time that popular movements to reform the government sprang up, especially in Upper and Lower Canada. The political system then in place gave the real power to the British appointed governors and to their executive councils who were appointed for life. These men formed an Oligarchy.

Not only did they make up the governor’s councils, but they also held the highest bureaucratic and judicial positions. They were well connected men of property with commercial and financial interests to defend.

In Upper Canada this elite group was known as the Family Compact, and in Quebec or Lower Canada they became known as the Chateau Clique. Both these groups held a strong hold over the commercial and political life of their colonies. As the oligarchy members made all government appointments, they were able to control the legal, religious, and educational systems in the colonies. Using their political power, they put policies in place that were favorable to themselves and their interests rather than to the majority of citizens in the colonies. They could, and did, spend public money on canals that would further their business interests rather than on roads that the settlers needed.

This lead to rebellions and reforms in both Upper and Lower Canada. By 1815, the French were growing uneasy about their position in Canada because they were worried about the increasing number of British immigrants that were flooding the colony. They were slowly being outnumbered and feared assimilation.

The French in Lower Canada were excluded from government as the Chateau Clique was made up of English speaking colonists and made decisions that only helped their own personal situations, thus making the French even more fearful. Louis-Joseph Papineau rose up among the common man and called for the colonists to rebel against the Chateau Clique, demanding responsible government and a change in the colony’s situation. He argued this was necessary for the cultural survival of the French in Canada. He wanted to see that the French majority had more say in colonial affairs. His group was called the Patriotes.

The Patriotes raised support for their cause through a series of meetings in the countryside that called for the overthrow of the government. The government called in troops to protect and to try and arrest the leaders of the rebels. On November 23, 1837 at St. Denis, 800 Patriotes (only ½ of which were armed) battled the troops for an entire day behind wooden barricades, forcing the troops to withdraw. A few days later, Papineau escaped to the United States and later returned to France, but not before burning the parliament building in Montreal. Other Patriote leaders were not so lucky and were arrested.

In Upper Canada, there was also a division between the colonists and the Oligarchy there that was called the Family Compact. The colonists in Upper Canada wanted to have more input into government affairs, as the Family Compact also ruled in their own best interests. The family Compact feared the democratic ideas of the colonists because they believed that democracy equaled mob rule.

William Lyon Mackenzie was the leader of the rebels in Upper Canada. His group was called the Reformers. Mackenzie used the same methods as Papineau and the Patriotes had used in Lower Canada and made speeches in order to organize the people of Upper Canada against the Oligarchy and towards overthrowing the government in favor of responsible government. On December 5, 1837, 700 reformers marched on Toronto to overthrow the government, but the defenders of the oligarchy fired on them and the rebellion was crushed. Like Papineau, Machenzie fled to the United States and was later allowed to return to Toronto without any persecution.

Although both rebellions were unsuccessful, the British government took notice of the rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada and realized that serious problems existed with the way that the colonies were run. They sent Lord Durham to the colonies to investigate and to make suggestions on two issues: How to improve the relations between the governments and the colonists, and to try and prevent any further rebellions from the colonists that lived there.

Here is some additional background to the 1837 rebellions.

See the chart of how government operated in the 1830's. As a result of the Executive Council and the Legislative Council getting its power from the Governor, the government could not be described as "responsible government".

Responsible government exists when the decision making authority of government is directly accountable or responsible to the people. Because the executive, the legislative councils and the Governor himself were appointed without the consent or approval of the legislative assembly, the people had no real influence over who governed them and thereby lacked any way to show their displeasure with these powerful individuals. The public's increasing dissatisfaction with conditions and their inability to influence decision making led to both rebellions, but did not yield responsible government.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Test Is Coming... The Test is Coming...

We will be writing our first blog test Tuesday, March 20, 2012.

We have completed our review. Study accordingly. Anything on the blog heretofore is fair game for the test. Pay paricular attention to the themes we reviewed and the February 8 and 23 blog entries.

The themes are as follows:

  • the frontier

  • metropolitanism

  • Loyalist nation/monarchists

  • warrior nation

  • "the Common Good" (rights vs. responsibilities)

  • Two Founding Peoples

  • multiculturalism

  • French Canada

  • English Canada

  • The Fur Staple

Events to pay attention to:

  • American Revolution

  • War of 1812

  • World War I (as the birth of the nation)

  • World War I (as a great divider)

  • 1970 FLQ Crisis

  • 1995 Quebec Referendum

The Essay

Over the last number of days, we have been looking at the objectives for each part of the essay to prepare you for the essay writing process. Below is a summary of the class notes for this section:

The essay assignment typically comes in two forms -- a question or a directive.

for example:

What is the most important characteristic required to be successful in school? (question)

Discuss the most important characteristic required to be successful in school. (directive)

The most important thing to remember when writing the essay is to make sure you understand the question and answer the question directly.

Below you will find the objectives we discussed for the introductory paragraph (in order of importance - NOT appearance):

1. Answer the question (thesis statement)

2. List of supporting ideas (evidence which will serve to prove your thesis)

3. Introductory statement (this is the first sentence in your essay)

Next, you will find the objectives for the body paragraphs (in order of appearance):

1. Topic sentence (from your list of supporting ideas and relates to thesis)

2. Supporting details (logically prove why the thesis is true... between 5-7 sentences)

3. Transition sentence (make the connection from the present supporting idea/topic to the next supporting idea/topic)

Finally, your conclusion has only one real objective:

Expand on the thesis. Like a lawyer's summation, you may not present new evidence. Instead, you are to write a few sentences that take your thesis and explain in greater detail what you were trying to argue.

You have all written an introductory paragraph, and the first paragraph of the body of the in class essay you were assigned. Student work was checked to ensure that each paper fulfilled the objectives above.

This particular assignment made use of the material in the Defining Canada textbook from pages 279-285. You are to use your notes from this text as well as the Shaping Canada text and any other materials that you may want to use.

The essay question for this assignment was as follows:

What impact did Louis Riel have on the settlement of the West?

This essay is due --- Thursday, March 22,2012.

Make sure you can identify which specific sentences accomplish each of the objectives outlined above for both the introductory paragraph, the body paragraph, and the conclusion.

Also be sure to use APA format when preparing your references.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Pop Quiz #3

Just posting this old quiz... for your enjoyment and edification.

Pop Quiz #3

1. What is metropolitanism? Provide an example from Canada’s colonial past and our present. (3)

2. How is the railway a tool of metropolitanism? (1)
3. Name three major colonial powers. (1)
4. How is the House of Commons an example of metropolitanism? (1)
5. Who are the Jesuits? When and why did they come to Canada? (3)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

It's Coming....

Just a little reminder from a friend of mine...

Deadline approaching for family history project -- March 13, 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012

Pop Quiz #4

Here is the pop quiz from today's class. Learn it. Live it. Breathe it. The exam is coming...

1.What is the seigneurial system? How does it work? (2)

2.In what ways was the fur trade important to the development of Canada? In what ways did it shape the course of early Canadian history? (2)

3.What was the Royal Proclamation Act of 1763 and what did it do? (2)

4.What was the Quebec Act and what did it do? (2)

5.Who were the Loyalists? Identify and explain four ways that their arrival in Canada impacted and/or shaped the course of early Canadian history? (3)