Monday, November 15, 2010

Internet Research

Today will be your first day using Internet resources to find the answers to some basic questions about topics in Canadian History. This is something that you need to become adept at if you are going to find useful and quality material for the research paper that you will write towards the end of the semester.

There are two components to this -- searching the Internet broadly and searching the Internet specifically through academic research databases. We will begin with searching the Internet broadly today. I have linked a tutorial here for you.

Unfortunately, most of us resort to going to Google and just typing in a string of words that we think might get us what we are looking for. There is a better way. Begin by examining the tutorial below:

Read the following links you will find at this site:

Choosing the Right Tools for Searching the Web: A Tutorial
Basic Web Searching: A Guide
Evaluating Internet Sources: A Guide for Learners (Ages 16 and up)

Then begin the assignment on the War of 1812.