Monday, April 30, 2012

Pop Quiz #6 and #7

Here are the last two pop quizzes written... Remember, these serve as exam review:

Pop Quiz #6

1.       Define Federalism. (1)
2.       Describe the division of power and responsibility between the federal government and the provinces. Cite three examples for each.  (6 x ½=3)
3.       Explain how a bill becomes a law. (8 x 1/2=4)
4.       Draw a chart showing the structure of Canadian government. (9 x ½=4 ½)
5.       Who is the current Prime Minister? (1/2)
6.       What is a coalition government? What is a minority government? Why do these occur? (3)
Total= 16

Pop Quiz # 7
1.       What is an oligarchy? Name the oligarchies that existed in Upper Canada and Lower Canada? (3)
2.       What is responsible government? (1)
3.       Explain what led to the 1837 rebellions in both Upper and Lower Canada. What did the people rebelling want? Which rebellion had racial or ethnic overtones? (3)
4.       Name the leader of the rebellion in Upper Canada. Name the leader of the rebellion in Lower Canada. (2)