Thursday, May 19, 2011

More Review Stuff for the Final Exam

Here is a review of the items that were covered during Mr. Goto's time with us. Please review these and be prepared to go over them next class.

Unit V: Canada in the 20th Century (1900s):

1. Describe how Canadian society had changed by the turn of the 20th century?

Consider things such as:

a. Industrialization
b. Urbanization
c. Immigration

2. Who was Wilfred Laurier? Why is he an important figure in Canadian History?

3. World War I:

a. Between what years did this war take place?
b. Explain the causes that lead to the Great War and how they led to the outbreak of World War I, making specific references to country alliances in your answer.
c. What is Trench Warfare?
d. Why was the First World War such an important war for Canadians?
e. Identify the significance of the Second Battle of Ypres, the Battle of the Somme, and the Battle of Vimy Ridge?
f. Explain the effect World War I had on women and the first wave of women’s rights?
g. Explain the impact World War I had on Canada. How did it bring us together as a country? How did it tear us apart?

4. The period between the First and Second World Wars brought about many changes in Canadian society. Identify four important events or changes that occurred in the interwar years and explain their importance to Canadian society.

5. What was the Winnipeg General Strike? What year did it take place?

6. What was the Great Depression?

a. What were some causes?
b. What was the triggering event that began the Great Depression?

7. Explain how Canada’s immigrant policy has changed from prior to the 1900s to during and after the World Wars? What brought about these changes? Explain in detail.

8. World War II:

a. Between what years did World War II take place?
b. Identify some of the causes of the Second World War.
c. Identify and briefly explain at least four major events that occurred during World War II?
d. Discuss the injustices faced by Japanese Canadians after the attack of Pearl Harbor in 1941. Include in your discussion how Asian discrimination throughout Canadian history led up to this event. Explain what happened to Japanese Canadians during the Internment years? What has happened as a result of this event?