Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Recap and Moving Forward

In our study of Canadian history, we have reached a point where we need to review the sum total of our work. This will be helpful in our exam preparations. Answer the questions below as fully as possible. We will start going over these questions on Monday, May 9, 2011.
Unit I: The First Peoples of Canada:

1. Explain some characteristics of early aboriginal societies:

a. What does it mean when we say that aboriginals lived in a Matriarchal society?
b. What does it mean when we say that aboriginals were an “oral” culture?
c. Explain some examples of how early aboriginal cultures were governed by spirituality?

2. Who were the Iroquois? Generally what European group did they form an alliance with? Who are the Huron? Generally what European group did they form an alliance with?

3. What is meant by “First Contact” between the “Old World” and the “New World”

a. Discuss the effects or outcomes of first contact between the early Europeans coming to the “New World” and the aboriginal groups already living on the continent.

b. Explain how what happened at first contact shaped the relationship between aboriginals and Europeans in general.

Unit II: New France: (1500s – 1759)

4. Who were the Jesuits?

a.What other names were they known by?
b.What was their main goal in coming to New France?
c.Discuss how their relationship with various aboriginal groups is symbolic of

Aboriginal – European relations?

5. What is the Seigneural System?

6. In what ways was the fur trade important to the development of Canada? In what ways did it shape the course of early Canadian history?

7. What was the Battle of the Plains of Abraham

8. Identify and discuss the various factors that led to the fall of New France to the British? Why was this one of the most important events in early Canadian history?

9. Discuss why General Wolfe led a brilliant military attack on the French in the final battle for control of Canada. What mistakes did the French leader Montcalm make in this final battle? Explain the Battle for the Plains of Abraham in full detail

Unit III: British North America (1759 – 1867)

10. What was the Royal Proclamation Act of 1763 and what did it do?

11. What was the Quebec Act and what did it do?

12. Identify and explain three reasons why the people in the Thirteen Colonies began rebelling against British rule, ultimately leading to the American Revolution?

13. What was the American Revolution

a. When did it begin and end?
b. Who was it fought between?
c. What position did French Canadians take in this war?
d. What did the American Revolution result in?
e. Why was it considered a civil war?

14. Who were the Loyalists? Identify and explain four ways their arrival in Canada impacted and/or shaped early Canadian culture and life?