Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Moving On...

Here is a recap of some of the material covered most recently. You can find the answers to the following set of questions in the Thursday, May 12,2011 blog entry. This is Pop Quiz #3, by the way...

1. Who was the leader of the Lower Canada rebellion?
2. Who was the leader of the Upper Canada rebellion?
3. What were the two major ecommendations of the Durham Report?
4. What is responsible government?
5. Draw a diagram of how government in the Canada's functioned.
6. What is the Family Compact and the Chateau Clique?

Other items for review... could be a quiz...I dunno...Happened before... Is this a hint????

Most of these, you should know... the oddball ones I have provided support for...


a. Why did so many Irish immigrants come to Canada prior to the 1850s?
b. What was the Underground Railway? What did it result in?
c. Why did so many Chinese immigrants come to Canada?

Unit IV: Canada in the 19th Century (1800s -1900)


a. Why was John A. Macdonald called one of the “Fathers of Confederation”?
b. What was his major project?
c. What was the Pacific Scandal?


a. What province was initially at the Confederation Conferences but then pulled out of Confederation becoming one of the last provinces to actually join?

b. What year did Manitoba become a province and join Confederation?

c. When did B.C join and why did they finally agree to this?

10. What does the CPR stand for?


a. What date and time was the famous last spike completed? (9:22 am on November 7, 1885)
b. What immigrant group built the majority of railway?
c. How did the railway lead to the opening of the west?
d. What effect did the opening of the west have on aboriginal groups living on the prairies?

12. Why was the construction of the CPR such an important event in the history and development of Canada? Identify and explain five reasons. (immigration from China, extension of east-west axis for trade, extends the power and influence of eastern Canada, stops American expansionism, establishes settlement patterns for the western frontier)

More on the history of railways in Canada

13. Who was Clifford Sifton? (Minister of the Interior under Wilfred Laurier)

a. What types of immigrants did he encourage to come to Canada? (Many came from Britain and the United States, but Canada also had a large influx of Ukrainians, Doukhobors, and other groups from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This was controversial. Between 1891 and 1914, more than three million people came to Canada, largely from continental Europe, following the path of the newly constructed continental railway.)

b. What were immigrants given to help them settle the west? (free land)
c. What was the experience like for many of the early immigrants that came to settle the west? (Difficult - sparsely populated, bitterly cold in the winter, constant wind stripping the topsoil)

14. Who was Louis Riel and why was he a significant figure in Canadian history?